A Summer Book Tour: Allerleirauh (June 2016)
Are you ready for summer vacation? Summer is just around the corner, and I know you're ready to pick out the latest and greatest novels for your reading pleasure! With this knowledge, I'm happy to present "Allerleirauh" on a reprise Tour! This will be taking place for the month of June! A stop for every day of the month, and each day there will be lucky winners, and great blogs to check out! You can't beat that, now can you? A Summer Book Tour June 1st - Interview with Kai Strand on their blog: kaistrand.blogspot.com June 2nd - Book Spotlight with Angela Chrysler on her blog: www.angelabchrysler.com June 3rd - Guest Post with Lauralee on her blog: historywomanperspective.com June 4th - Guest Post with Amanda on her blog: www.mybooksopinionsite.wordpress.com June 6th - Interview with Author A.F Stewart on their blog: afstewartblog.blogspot.com June 7th - Book Spotlight on Book and Bindings: www.booksandbindings.com ...